My primary research program focuses on spatial factor analysis models for combining climate model output, spatial point patterns, NARCCAP
- Prigge MB, Lange N, Bigler ED, Merkley TL, Neeley ES, Abildskov TJ, Froehlich AL, Nielsen JA, Cooperrider JR, Cariello AN, Ravichandran C, Alexander AL, Lainhart JE. (2013) Corpus Callosum area in children and adults with autism. Res Autism Spectr Disord. 7(2):221-234.
- West J, Hall P, Hanson C, Prier, K, Giraud-Carrier C, Neeley ES, Barnes M. (2012) Temporal variability of problem drinking on Twitter. textitOpen Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2, 43-48. doi: 10.4236/ojpm.2012.210
- Neeley ES, Kornbalu SM, Baggery KA. (2011). Surface adjustment of reverse phase protein arrays using positive control spots. Cancer Informatics. 11:77-86.
- Heltemes-Harris LM, Willette MJ, Ramsey LB, Qiu YH, Neeley ES, Zhang N, Thomas DA, Koeuth T, Baechler EC, Kornblau SM, Farrar MA. (2011). Ebf1 or Pax5 haploinsufficiency synergizes with STAT5 activation to initiate acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 208(6):1135-1149.
- Tate DF, Khedraki R, Neeley ES, Ryser D, Bigler ED. (2011). Cerebral volume loss, cognitive deficit and neuropsychological performance: Comparative measures of brain atrophy II: Traumatic brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 17(2):308-316.
- Tate DF, Neeley ES, Norton MC, Tschanz JT, Miller MJ, Wolfson L, Hulette C, Leslie C, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Plassman B, Bigler ED. (2011). Intracranial volume and dementia: Some evidence in support of the cerebral reserve hypothesis. Brain Research. 1385:151-162.
- Ghia AJ, Neeley ES, Gaffney DK. (2010). Postoperative radiotherapy use and patterns of care analysis for node positive or parametria positive cervical cancer. Gynecologic Oncology. 119(3):411-416.
- Brown AP, Neeley ES, Werner T, Soisson AP, Burt RW, Gaffney DK. (2010). A population-based study of subsequent primary malignancies after endometrial cancer: Genetic, environmental, and treatment-related associations. International Journal of Radiation Oncology∗Biology∗Physics. 78(1):127-135.
- Trusov A, Bumgarner R, Valijev R, Chestnova R, Talevski S, Vragoterova C, Neeley ES. (2009). Comparison of Lumin LED fluorescent attachment, fluorescent microscopy and Ziehl-Neelsen for AFB diagnosis. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 13(7):836-841.
- Poland KS, Shardy DL, Azim M, Naeem R, Krance RA, Dreyer ZE, Neeley ES, Zhang N, Qiu YH, Kornblau SM, Plon SE. (2009). Overexpression of ZNF342 by juxtaposition with MPO promoter/enhancer in the novel translocation t(17;19)(q23;q13.32) in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia and analysis of ZNF342 expression in leukemia. Genes, Chromosomes, and Cancer, 48(6):480-489.
- Neeley ES, Kornblau SM, Coombes KR, Baggery KA. (2009). Variable slope normalization of reverse phase protein arrays. Bioinformatics, 25(11):1384-1389.
- Baggerly KA, Coombes KR, Neeley ES. (2008). Run batch effects potentially compromise the usefulness of genomic signatures for ovarian cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology,26(7):1187-1188.
- Bigler ED, Mortensen S, Neeley ES, Ozonoff S, Krasny L, Johnson M, Lu J, Provencal SL, McMahon W, Lainhart JE. (2007). Superior temporal gyrus, language function, and autism. Developmental Neuropsychology, 31(2):217-238.
- Neeley ES, Bigler ED, Krasny L, Ozonoff S, McMahon W, Lainhart JE. (2007). Quantitative temporal lobe difference: autism distinguished from controls using classification and regression tree analysis. Brain Development, 29(7):389-399.
- Bigler ED, Neeley ES, Miller MJ, Tate DF, Rice SA, Cleavinger H, Wolfson L, Tschanz J, Welsh-Bohmer K. (2004). Cerebral volume loss, cognitive deficit and neuropsychological performance: comparative measures of brain atrophy: I. Dementia. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 10(3):442-452.
- Bigler ED, Tate DF, Neeley ES, Wolfson LJ, Miller MJ, Rice SA, Cleavinger H, Anderson C, Coon H, Ozonoff S, Johnson M, Dinh E, Lu J, Mc Mahon W, Lainhart JE. (2003). Temporal lobe, autism, and macrocephaly. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 24(10):2066-2076.
In Progress
- Neeley ES, Christensen WF, Sain SR. (2013). A Bayesian Spatial Factor Analysis Approach for Combining Climate Model Ensembles. Environmetrics. (Submitted)
- Neeley ES, Neeley AD, Caton BP. (2013). An Assessment of the Risk of Codling Moth Establishment from Apples Exported to Taiwan. Crop Protection. (Submitted)
Non-peer Reviewed
- Neeley ES. (2013). Review of books and teaching materials: Essentials of Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists by Walpole, Myers, Myers, Ye. The American Statistician, 67(1):60-63.